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Soluções de proteção individual da cabeça aos pés

Nosso trabalho é proteger mulheres e homens no trabalho. Para isso, projetamos e fabricamos soluções completas de proteção pessoal e coletiva para profissionais em todo o mundo.

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Nossa missão

Há mais de 45 anos, a Delta Plus projeta, padroniza, fabrica e distribui globalmente um conjunto completo de soluções em equipamentos de proteção individual e coletiva (EPI) para proteger os profissionais no trabalho.

Histórico familiar

Nossa história

Delta Plus Systems, P.O.F.A.M. founder member

Produtos, Sistemas anti-queda

Delta Plus Systems, P.O.F.A.M. founder member

Update 29.06.23

Since 2019, the Professional Organisation of permanent Fall Arrest system Manufacturers (P.O.F.A.M. > O.P.F.S.A. in French) has brought together the leading French manufacturers of fall arrest systems.

This union (law of March 21, 1884), which we created alongside 4 of our fellow members, all manufacturers, distributors and installers of fall arrest systems (collective and individual protection, access and walkways), plays an important role in promoting its members' know-how, cultivating and reinforcing best practices in the profession, and recommending specific manufacturing and installation methods.

  • Federate: the organization's members meet to discuss opportunities and common concerns, and collectively promote fall prevention solutions.
  • Sharing: P.O.F.A.M. shares best practices and issues with other professional and governmental organizations.
  • Defend & co-construct: the organization's action is organized around a clear roadmap, and recommends the proper application of procedures for working at height.
  • Recommend: the organization's members put forward concrete recommendations to public decision-makers, and influence French and European standards committees.z


To get more information on this organization, please feel free to check the P.O.F.A.M. website


Want to know more about the OPFSA organization? Do not hesitate to contact us or to visit the website.


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