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Soluções de proteção individual da cabeça aos pés

Nosso trabalho é proteger mulheres e homens no trabalho. Para isso, projetamos e fabricamos soluções completas de proteção pessoal e coletiva para profissionais em todo o mundo.

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Nossa missão

Há mais de 45 anos, a Delta Plus projeta, padroniza, fabrica e distribui globalmente um conjunto completo de soluções em equipamentos de proteção individual e coletiva (EPI) para proteger os profissionais no trabalho.

Histórico familiar

Nossa história

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Inclined lifeline system


Inclined rail system

High-performance inclined rail lifeline with bi-directional locking runner, for floors, walls and overhead configurations. Suspension and work in tension possible

Type of movements

  • Horizontal continuous movement

  • Great movements on horizontal, vertical and inclined surfaces

  • Great vertical movements

Structures that need to be secured cannot be only either flat or vertical, and workers need to be protected even on inclined configurations.
To do so, fall protection systems have been designed to provide an optimum safety on slopes up to 180°.

To provide the optimum safety to your workers even on slopes, Delta Plus Systems has designed the Combirail inclined fall protection rail system.

This patented safety solution allows free movement in all direction without unclipping for horizontal, vertical or inclined structures.

Norm CE
European standards

The Combirail complies with the following standards

ISO EN795:2012 typ D Personal fall protection equipment - Type D refers to rigid systems, usually rail systems.
ISO TS 16415 : 2013 Technical specification "Personal fall protection equipment - Anchor devices - Recommendations for anchor devices for use by more than one person simultaneously
ISO EN 353-1 Guided type fall arresters including a rigid anchor line - Defines the requirements for design, material andconstruction, blocking methods, and requirements forstatic strength and dynamic performance, corrosionresistance, marking and information.
See all standards
advantage picture

Especially designed to work in tension or under loads

advantage picture
High adaptability

Rail bending and switch allow free movements in all direction

advantage picture

Especially designed to work in tension or under loads

advantage picture
Optimum safety

Its engineered bidirectional locking carriage works only if needed. Efficient even for small fall distance

advantage picture
Superior design

Superior design and finish allow a perfect integration whatever architectural constraints on site

Installation features

Configuration 1

Project references

Permanent safety without disconnection






