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Rozwiązania ochrony osobistej od stóp do głów

Naszym zadaniem jest ochrona kobiet i mężczyzn w pracy. W tym celu projektujemy i produkujemy kompletne rozwiązania ochrony osobistej i zbiorowej dla profesjonalistów na całym świecie.

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Pomagamy rozwijać umiejętności poprzez szkolenia, samouczki i centra wiedzy specjalistycznej. Nasze centrum pobierania ułatwia znalezienie wszystkich informacji o produktach i przepisach dotyczących naszej oferty.

Nasza misja

Od ponad 45 lat Delta Plus projektuje, standaryzuje, produkuje i dystrybuuje na całym świecie pełen zestaw rozwiązań w zakresie środków ochrony indywidualnej i zbiorowej (ŚOI) w celu ochrony profesjonalistów w pracy.

Historia rodziny

Nasza historia

The Delta Plus technical training centres

Delta Plus not only offers a comprehensive range of PPE and fall arrest systems, it is also a recognised training organisation committed to the safety of workers.

Delta Plus technical training centre - Fall arrest Test

Wiedza specjalistyczna, Produkty

The Delta Plus technical training centres

Update 18.06.24

Technical training centres around the world

Delta Plus has 6 technical training centres around the world: 3 in France - Bernin, Villepinte and Apt -, one in Argentina, Dubai and Poland, and soon a new centre in Brazil


Each of these sites has been designed as a real "practice" to teach good practice and the optimum use of our fall arrest equipment. To test these products, our centres provide you with artificial climbing towers or walls. 


"A complete training course lasts about a week," explains Gonzague de Zélicourt, Global Product Line Manager for fall arrest equipment. "You learn how to use the different products, how to put on a harness properly, how to secure yourself, how to choose and arrange anchor points, how to evacuate a person in difficulty, and how to inspect and maintain your equipment.

Fall arrest Test - Delta Plus technical training centre

Who can train at Delta Plus centres?

Delta Plus acquired Alpic, a company specialising in training for working at height, which enabled us to integrate cutting-edge know-how in these areas. Today, Delta Plus trainers welcome our customers as well as future approved trainers

The aim is to teach them the techniques and practices needed to reduce the risks involved in working on roofs, wind turbines, ropes or pylons. 


Distributors of our Delta Plus products also utilize training: "The aim is to raise awareness among these specifiers of the sales techniques applied to fall protection, to teach them about European standards, and to give them an in-depth knowledge of the products and their uses so that they can recommend to their customers the equipment best suited to each use," explains Gonzague de Zélicourt.

Delta Plus technical training centre - Fall arrest Test

The Delta Plus technical training centres, added value for all

Working at height involves a mortal risk in the event of a fall. Fall protection therefore requires support and serious training. Enabling our customers - whether users or distributors - to receive training on our sites, with our equipment and our experts, means putting all the chances on their side to optimise operator safety


"For us, these 'real-life' meetings with customers are also a way of getting to know their specific needs better, so that we can continually improve our products," observes Gonzague de Zélicourt.


To this end, Group employees product managers, sales staff, etc.) are also trained in the subtleties of working at height and in the various Delta Plus products, so that they in turn can continuously improve their skills. This provides them with a sound knowledge of the field and the products on offer to meet the specific needs of our customers.

The Delta Plus technical training centres

The right personal protective equipment is essential, but so is collective protection: find out how Delta Plus experts ensure that PPE and CPE complement each other to create a comprehensive range of fall prevention products.


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